Thursday, April 30, 2015

When the cuteness ends

There was a time in our lives

Where it seems we are all we had

Escaping from our lives

Outrunning the sea of bad


I had you

You had me

Things started to feel

How we wished it would be


We kept moving with the waters

You moved over a smidge

To that first kiss

On the shore of the broken bridge


Little did we know at the time

That this planted seed would come to accord

Still not knowing where we would end

When we stopped in the apple orchard


Moving boxes and packing items in paper

Evening of sadness of letting go

Became a first of many

Of greasing our flow


New places, scary times

I would be the one that kept from being alone

Finally these alien walls

Became our new home


Sadly strife would render

All that we had raised

Just to wonder forevermore

What if you had stayed

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The little things

The little things to start the day are always fun.  Things like going downstairs to get something from my computer desk and noticing that the cat finally became bold enough to travel down the steps to see what is going on.  Now he ran back upstairs the moment I got up from my desk, but it was another big step for him.

Then I got into work and had a nice conversation with a man about the state of music and how kids today just will never have the thrill of getting an album and listening to it from front to back.  Times be a changing I guess, but I can still rock in the free world!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Love of Snugs

What should be the color
For my hair she said
Why it is simple
It should autumn red

Flowing like a river
Cascading into the sea
Crashing upon the shore
Of my upper body

Take in its essences
Its aromatic flavor
Delicate hints of angels breath
Take her in and savor

Beauty unwarranted
But nonetheless ingrained
Has fanned my inner desires
Burns with the heat of her flame

I want her blood in my veins
Wrestle passions to the ground
Twisted souls rejoice
Salvation is to be found

Never before had imagined
Such a delightful tryst
One cannot hope but wonder
When will be the next instance


There is a certain stillness
When even the gentle flutter of a butterfly’s wings feel like a hurricane

The moment when crashing waves fall asleep
Lost in the serenity of salty dreams

When tall trees stand to attention and every leaf pauses
Takes a deep breath and holds it

It is here
Beneath the maddening silence I hear your name

An echo of you

A Higher State of Self

What is fate?

Are we preordained to follow a path of another’s design?
Or are we able to choose our own?

Can we find our way back when we are lost?
Or is being lost part of the journey of finding who we are?

I have traveled
I have lost who I was
Yet gained who I was to become
I have remnants of a past yet to bury
Chains that shall weigh me down no more
I am taking the harder choice
But empowered that I need not go alone
I shall become me
I shall grow
I shall be

That in which I was always fated to be

A man
A father
A husband
A friend
A poet
A sage
The hero of my own soul

I am better than I allowed myself to be

I am now my own becoming

I am my own road

I am


Back to the front
Return to the end
End of the begin
Begin reboot sequence
Losing what I became
Slipping into what I’ll become
Will I act upon inner desires
Or from them will I run
Truth told I want to give in
Embrace the chaos
Live in the sin
Does it make me bad
To give into this vice
Or shall I just be tempted
In eternal strife
I will change
These strings will not hold me down
But I wonder what will happen
When I am finally unbound
Will I enjoy it all
For all the right reasons
Or will I give into selfishness
For it tis the season
I want to touch
That in was denied
Relish in that heat
Bringing closure when inside
I feel if I burn this out
It will not bother me again
Just now I will bide my time
For it is only a matter of when

Monday, April 25, 2011

Renewed in rain

I feel the rain falling
Coursing down my skin
Taking from me my pain
Sins from within

In it I find comfort
As this manna from heaven flows
Washing away the ugliness
Of thoughts nobody knows

I wish I could stay awhile more
Have this fill me to the brim
But I know I must leave soon
Leaving yet a layer that is grim

Will I conquer my darkness
Will I find tranquility this time
This is a lesson I ponder
As I step back into sunshine